Thursday 12 September 2013

More & More Women Don't Want Children

Unlike animals, people may choose to voluntarily go against the instincts and deliberately abandon the idea of giving birth of children. This is contrary to nature, since all living organisms are evolutionarily programmed for reproduction. Successful implementation of the reproductive function is necessary for the prosperity and development of the species.

Statistical data illustrate the fact that some women do not care about the evolutionary development of Homo sapiens. For example, rejection of motherhood is becoming increasingly popular in the United States.

In 2010, one in five American women was childless at the time when the reproductive period of the body exhausted. In the 1970-s, only every tenth resident of the United States had no children.

In addition, there has been a curious trend in recent years: a growing number of women resort to IVF not because of the inability to conceive naturally, but rather for ideological reasons. As a rule, these are women, who approach the age of forty, are heterosexual, single and do not intend to spend time looking for a worthy partner.