Wednesday 4 September 2013

Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know

We all know the Socratic paradox: “I know one thing: that I know nothing”. Indeed, there are interesting things and facts you’d never think of. Today we’re sharing 28 such interesting facts.

Smart Business Woman

    Parallel lines intersect in space.

    Feng Shui originates from the art of decorating graves.

    When you sneeze, all body functions pause… even your heart.

    A quacking duck does not make any echo.

    The biggest number of push-ups at a time is 46001.

    A snake can sleep up to 3 years.

    The length of hair on the head, grown by a person during his/her lifetime, is 725 kilometers on average.
    Gold is such a rare metal that one can find more iron in the world during an hour than the amount of gold ever found in history.

    The heart of the white whale is the size of a Volkswagen beetle.

    10 100 000 000 sexual intercourses occur around the world daily. Only 910 000 of them end up with fertilization.

    Lisztomania is the need to listen to music all the time.

    Phallophobia is the fear of an erection.

    One billion seconds is about 37 years.

    Chameleon’s tongue is twice as long as its body.

    When Michael Jordan was a sophomore at a college, he was not accepted to the basketball team because of his small height.

    In Kenya, the cost of bribes equals one third of the household budget.

    A runner is able to get ahead of a race car at the start for the first 10 meters.

    Acne can be removed with a mixture of crushed pills of any antibiotic, aspirin, and suprastin (one pill of each medicine), adding drops of water.

    A hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards.

    The giant Komodo lizard attacks even deer and wild boars.

    One in four Americans has been shown on TV.

    Half of men do not wash their hands after using lavatory.

    If you feed a yellow canary with red pepper, the color of its feathers will turn bright orange.
    After an eagle loses a feather from one wing, it loses the same feather from the other wing to accurately maintain the balance and aerodynamic properties.

    One cannot stick a blade between the plates of the pyramid of Cheops.

    In Finland, there is a wife carrying championship. The winner receives a number of beers, equivalent to the weight of his wife.

    Eagles mate while flying.

    Drivers kill more deer than hunters.